Friday, July 25, 2008

Creativity and sex

Everyone today is suffering from a virus and I call it a sex virus. Don’t panic, it is congenial and does not harm at once. Sometimes I wonder how this virus has taken everyone in its grip. If you think you are not a prey yet -- you are mistaken. Have you ever thought why sex has become a dominant factor in our lives? In my opinion, the major reason is that we are not creative. We are governed by the social and moral culture. Our educational methods are largely based on intellect. And it is inevitable to understand that creation does not occur through the functioning of the intellect.

When the intellect stops, creativity starts. The intellect or I would say the mind only perceives the word you read, things you see and reacts in a way you have learnt from the environment you live in. And this is absolutely not creation. And as we are uncreative, the only creativity left to us is sex. It’s all in our mind, and as long as we fulfill it we feel happy otherwise frustrated.

No one is happy in today’s world and the only reason is that we are more subjective. We are living in an illusionary world. We are emotionally starved, religiously and intellectually repetitive; we are socially dull and economically regimented. And the only reason behind these is the lack of a creative state of mind. That is why sex has become the only outlet.

Again I don’t only blame the word sex, the problem lies in the desire to recapture the state of happiness by means of sex. We always want to lose ourselves in lofty thoughts, excitement, or in some form of sensation. We sometimes want to escape from self, but don’t know how and where to go.

It is therefore, very important to understand the problems and the hindrances that prevent our creative thoughts and creative living. If we understand this, we can definitely understand the problem of sex.

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